According to Chinese medicine theories, physical pain may imply body disorders. Internal imbalances and the accumulation of toxins are common amongst city dwellers today. Stress and work pressure, poor sleep quality, insufficient exercise, poor dietary habits can all reduce resistance to illness and contribute to muscular and skeletal pain. Fortune Foot massage treatment follows the traditional theory of nerves, arteries and veins. It presses the body’s acupuncture points manually to increase blood circulation, promote lymphatic drainage and enhance anti-toxic and self repair functions so as to address overall health.
Foot Massage / Reflexology
HK$228 (50 mins)
HK$268 (60 mins)
HK$368 (90 mins)
Body Massage Therapy
HK$289 (50 mins)
HK$328 (60 mins)
HK$468 (90 mins)
Aromatherapy Body Massage
HK$338 (50 mins)
HK$368 (60 mins)
HK$498 (90 mins)
Lymphatic Massage
HK$438 (50 mins)
HK$488 (60 mins)
HK$668 (90 mins)
Foot + Neck Shoulder Massage
HK$298 (50+15 mins)
HK$328 (60+15 mins)
HK$328 (30+30 mins)
HK$328 Foot Massage 30 mins + Pedicure (Shanghai Style)
HK$188 (30 mins) Foot Massage / Reflexology
HK$218 (30 mins) Head Neck & Shoulder
HK$198 (25 mins) Chinese Scraping / Cupping
HK$198 (25 mins) Pedicure - Shanghai Style